St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Shady Cove, Oregon
A light in Shady Cove
Please join us for Ash Wednesday worship at NOON. Our 45-minute worship will include readings from the WORD, special prayers and sharing the meal of holy communion.
Located in beautiful Shady Cove, Oregon, just north of the winding Rogue River, St. Martin's is an inclusive and welcoming faith community. We love and serve God and our neighbor in the Episcopal tradition, and we seek to bring healing and hope to a hurting world in Jesus' Name. God loves us, warts and all! Whether you are a seasoned Episcopalian, a first-time visitor, or fall somewhere in between, we welcome you! We are comprised of and reach out to the young and the old, the seasoned and the newcomer, the married and divorced, partnered and single, widows and widowers, those who identify as straight and those who identify as LGBTQ, and persons of all racial, ethnic, gender, cultural and faith identities. We are of different backgrounds, identities and experiences, and we value the differences that enrich our faith community. Here is our closing blessing for each Sunday:
Life is short,
and we do not have too much time to gladden the hearts of those
who travel the way with us.
So be swift to love, and make haste to be kind.
And may the Divine Mystery who is beyond our ability to know
but who made us and who loves us and who travels with us,
bless us and keep us in peace. Amen.
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Our Mission is to welcome all in Jesus' Name, and to be a model of inclusion and love in an often inhospitable world. We seek to respond to the needs and concerns of our greater community with compassion. We value hospitality, kindness and respect for all God's people and all of creation.
95 Cleveland St., Shady Cove, OR 97539 Mail to: P.O. Box 786, Shady Cove, OR 97539
(541) 878-2166