
Saint Martin Episcopal Church

Shady Cove, Oregon
Church Front Cut Out-web


95 Cleveland St., Shady Cove, OR  97539 Mail to: P.O. Box 786, Shady Cove, OR 97539


(541) 878-2166


Holy Week Schedule St. Martin’s Episcopal Church Good Friday Service April 15, 1:00 to 3:00 pm Join us for a Public Procession with a Cross down Hwy 62. Starting at St. Martin's - walk to park on Rogue River Drive. Take a turn at carrying the cross along the route, (if you wish), with stops for Scripture, prayer, and quiet fellowship. The tradition is based on the Stations of the Cross. The walk has 14 different stops and takes about two hours. Easter Day worship April 17 10:00 a.m.